Software Dependability

a.a. 2019/20

COLLECTION OF SLIDES used during lectures. 

The first ones regard the 6 CFU variant of the course.

These slides are mostly in English. Some parts are still in Italian.

Students that are not able to read an Italian text are encouraged to look for explanations of the main referred concepts in the literature and on the web.

Introduction and Recap of Testing 

  —> These slides are still partially in Italian. In the year 19/20 only the slides 1-28 have been presented.

Software Reliability

Distributed Algorithms 

  —>  The first part is still in Italian.  For the part on Clock Synchronization, an English text is here

Blockchain as a Distributed Consensus Algorithm

Introduction to Formal Methods

Model checking

Slides on NuSMV by Alessandra Giordani

CCS (Process Algebras) (only pages 1-8) Expressive Power of CCS

UML Statecharts

Presentation on model checking applications by Alessio Ferrari (2009) - very little text in Italian

Design Verifier (Matlab model checker toolbox), by Alessio Ferrari

Slides for the 9 CFU variant remaining part  (partly in Italian)

Interpretazione Astratta (in Italian)

Software Model Checking

Requirement Engineering